2017 News

News: 2017 in Review

Thanks to all who participated in our 2017 events or organised ones of their own. It was unquestionably a special year for the Society. Thomson’s Bicentenary presented a great opportunity to celebrate the legacy of one of Scotland’s greatest architects, and we endeavoured to do so by organising a programme of events that would span the whole year.



We had talks from Fiona Sinclair, Professor Dean Hawkes, Gary Paul, Gary Nisbet, Sally White, Mark Baines, Scott Abercrombie and Paul Stallan, to which we had over 850 tickets booked and over 50% sold out. Beyond this, we also delivered a number of talks and guided tours to other Societies across Scotland, and participated in events such as Doors Open Days and the Southside Fringe.



Our annual programme of Guided Walks led by Roger Guthrie was expanded this year and proved as successful as always. We owe thanks to SPAB Scotland who partnered with us for a trip to Rothesay, and Friends of the Glasgow Necropolis who ran Thomson specific tours throughout the year. We are also immensely grateful to the owners of Thomson’s residential buildings who opened up their homes over the course of two weekends for the fully booked ‘Get Into Thomson’ tours.



Holmwood House and the National Trust for Scotland contributed a plethora of events to our calendar for the year, and continued to deliver the faithful restoration of Thomson’s masterpiece of villa design. Whilst Glasgow City Free Church who worship in Thomson’s St Vincent Street Church held a special memorial service to mark the anniversary of Thomson’s birth.



We organised two exhibitions this year, the first a celebration of the entries to our Double Villa Competition in the Lighthouse. The Double Villa competition had over 100 entrants sign up, with registrants from every continent except Antartica. The second was our ‘Lines of Thought’ exhibition, a significant display of original Thomson drawings alongside surveys and interpretations of his works by others. During its seven-week run it was visited by over 11,000 people.



Exhibitions of Thomson’s work were also held elsewhere, including Historic Environment Scotland’s exhibition at the Engine Shed and one at Balfron Library organised by the brilliant Balfron Heritage Group. We also held an online exhibition of sorts, with our ongoing ‘Takes on Thomson’ project which drew a vast array of creative reimaginings of Thomson’s work. Featured in this were pieces by Marion Gardyne who exhibited her Thomson inspired artworks at a variety of venues over the year, whilst a contribution is currently in progress by Elisabeth Viguie Culshaw who led Thomson-inspired stencil workshops with Glasgow City Heritage Trust.



Thomson was featured on TV and in print throughout the year, but the most significant of these was the fantastic new documentary commissioned by the BBC, clips from which can be seen here.



We are hugely indebted to the support of the BBC, Glasgow City Council, Glasgow City Free Church, National Trust for Scotland, the Glasgow School of Art, GIA, The Mitchell Library, Southside Fringe, Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, Glasgow City Heritage Trust, The Lighthouse amongst many many others for their support and in-kind contributions over the course of the last year. But most of all we have the thank our membership for their ongoing commitment to raising the profile of ‘Glasgow’s Master Builder’.


Image copyright of Architects Journal:


Sadly the year ended with the loss of the greatest champion of Greek Thomson’s legacy, Dr Gavin Stamp. Gavin was our founding chairman and a Thomson fanatic. During his tenure with the Society he oversaw the publication of three books on Thomson’s work, the largest retrospective exhibition of his work ever held, and played a major part in campaigns to save his buildings. His passion and enthusiasm converted many to his belief that Thomson was one of Glasgow’s greatest architects, whilst the righteous anger he brought to the lectern and his writings emphasised the need for action to protect his threatened buildings. Gavin put it mildly when he said that upon arriving in Glasgow he noticed that “Thomson was a great architect who needed some help”. Thomson received that and more from Gavin, who, amongst his many accomplishments, was instrumental in organising the purchase of Holmwood House by the National Trust for Scotland, and its protection for future generations. He leaves behind a noble and vital legacy that focused in part on the preservation of the legacies of others. We are immensely grateful that as a Society we were able to benefit from his sharp wit, his brilliant intellect and his tireless commitment for so many years.


Looking towards 2018 we hope to build on the renewed momentum of the Society by focussing on delivering new publications, an exhibition of entries to our Takes on Thomson project, and carrying out new research. We hope to improve our website by adding a catalogue of Thomson’s buildings and designs, his lectures, and archive drawings. Whilst we will also continue our ongoing casework, our annual lecture series, and guided walks.


To those who are not yet members, please consider joining the Society for only £20 per year (£1.67 per month). Member benefits include copies of our journal, free access to our lectures and early access to tickets for special events. Information on how to join can be found here.


Thank you again to all who participated in our 2017 events, and we hope to see you all again in 2018!


The Alexander Thomson Society



News: Gavin Stamp (1948-2017)

It is with great sadness that news of Gavin Stamp’s death in late December has been received by the Society. Gavin was of course the founding Chairman of the Alexander Thomson Society in 1991, a most memorable event attended by some 400 people on the evening of April 9th 1991 in Thomson’s St Vincent Street Church.

Gavin became Head of History at the Mackintosh School of Architecture in 1990, which was when I first encountered his literally lofty but friendly demeanour. He was a great character, one of a kind in fact, a very knowledgeable, unapologetically opinionated and an extremely engaging character who worked ceaselessly on his prolific research, writing, lectures and talks on all manner of architectural subjects from many periods of history. Gavin was a gifted historian, but it was as a talented journalist where his critical faculties were at their sharpest, to the great delight of some but to the chagrin of others. Gavin was never afraid to speak his mind especially where buildings were under threat, whether designed by Thomson, Gillespie, Kidd & Coia or any other important architects. He was a ceaseless campaigner for good architectural causes. His television and radio appearances revealed his unique perspicacity and insights into architecture in a most engaging fashion that made his subject matter truly accessible to all who watched and listened. It was Gavin who orchestrated the saving of Holmwood, and it was Gavin, alongside the filmmaker Murray Grigor, who curated the massively successful exhibition, Thomson – The Unknown Genius held at the Lighthouse during Glasgow’s Year of Culture in 1999.

His writings, mostly typed on one index finger as I recall, invariably exude a passionate concern and delight in architecture. 1 Moray Place, Thomson’s own house, was his family home for many years and where the early Society meetings were held under his indefatigable leadership in the most convivial surroundings.

Dr Gavin Stamp will always be a part of the Alexander Thomson Society and as was often commented upon, it was he, an Englishman, who so vigorously defended and fought for the preservation of Thomson’s architectural legacy. His presence, in the Society and the architectural world, gives us much to be grateful for.


Mark Baines


The Alexander Thomson Society



We would draw your attention to the websites of both the Architects Journal and Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain who have kindly made Gavin’s articles freely available online.

Image Credit: Copyright of the Architects Journal –